When our ancestors reflect back on the first decade of the 21st
century, they will remember how Al Gore led a campaign against global warming that was championed by millions of people in a
new age of awareness and connectivity; some might even identify this as the birth to a new system of government, technocracy. Fuel Ghoul believes people will say ‘Thank God
for the internet, that was our most important weapon.’
Some organizations already use their solidarity to affect
policy change. Greenpeace is so powerful it can affect this nation's election platforms.
As a member, I will advocate, the Greenpeace action plan really works. I admire most how Greenpeace
Election Campaigns should change the reality of day to day
life – the citizens of every nation should see improvements in their communities within two years of electing new officials. That’s because appealing to
millions of people is no easy feat, and the more pressure that’s applied to
these schmucks, the more positive change Canadians can extract from wealthy
corporations and big polluters.
With the 2006 release of Al Gore’s documentary An
Inconvenient Truth, there came a small glimmer of hope that politicians might be ready to
heed the warnings of our human impact on the world. But don't be fooled - nothing is going to happen without a fight. Now is the time to come
together and demand change!
Ontario politicians have adopted some interesting ideas on how to travel across the
province this fall. The Liberals will be using buses that produce low sulphur
emissions, while the Progressive Conservatives plan to run their vehicles on
biodiesel. The New Democrats are eliminating the party leader's bus altogether;
Howard Hampton will travel in a hybrid SUV.
Green Party Leader Frank de Jong will tour the province in a
biodiesel vehicle, while also campaigning largely on public transit and on a
bicycle for a few stops, the Green party said. All four parties will be buying
what are called carbon offsets for the greenhouse gases they do emit.
Carbon credits can also be recognized by technocrats as
the currency of the next age. They provide a way to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions by giving them a monetary value. A credit gives the owner the right
to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide. Carbon credits are generated as the result
of an environmentally positive project that will result in emissions reductions
such as reforestation, fuel switching, and carbon capture and storage.
Fuel Ghoul would like everyone to read
Buckminster Fuller's Utopia or Oblivion.
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