If you have been following Smojoe blog, Robert Campbell writes about guerrilla marketing and how Geoff Whitlock of Surround Integrated Marketing designed, and effectively deployed (for less than $1200), a very successful guerrilla marketing promotion on the corner of Yonge and Dundas in Toronto. Rob estimates that Geoff's 3hr long live event impacted about 2500 people, but most importantly it allowed his agency to make high quality digital media which he can now use to jazz up social media portals and make his social media communities way more interesting and exciting for months to come... The attraction featured a 1970s style game show whereby Toronto actors James Thomas and Jessie Yang wrangled folks into the game; pedestrians could become participants right there on the street and play to win Rubbermaid All Access Organizers.
These two high school seniors, both enjoying the freedom of expression that only comes in OAC year, did quest against each other to find a pink frisbee, which was more easily found in Rubbermaid All Access Organizers than it was in cardboard boxes.